Friday, December 3, 2010

A small agricultural research center in the middle of nowhere

I will try to describe the best way possible the work that I am doing in Denmark. I am working a type of forage grass, and I am developing a genetic map of the genes for this grass. This is done by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), basically it is a way for researchers to gather HUGE amounts of genetic data in a short time frame. This project involves more computer work and bioinformatics work and very little actual lab work. I am excited to start working on this project because it gives me a chance to work on some the newest biology and biotechnology.

The other great thing about this position is that for six months I will have the opportunity to work in a research lab in Wales, UK. Plus I have the opportunity to attend one international research conference; next year I have a chance to go to Ireland for a conference.

I work with really nice and helpful people, and the office atmosphere is great. My father has the Google Earth coordinates if you want to see what the facility looks like. When you walk in the facility it is bright and open. Plus all employees are welcome to one free piece of fruit per day; they have oranges, apples, plums, and bananas. Plus an endless amount of coffee and tea. The facility also has a small gym which I can use at any time.

To get to my office you have to walk further down the main hall. As you tell from the picture the facility is going through a remodeling and there are some new equipment in the main hall.
I really like my office because I have a large desk, an office with windows and my supervisor was able to get me a nice desktop with two large screens.

The other great thing about this facility is the cafeteria, not only do they serve great food but they also have great scenery.

To get to work, since the facility is really in the middle of nowhere, I have to ride the bus. It is only a 5-minute walk from my apartment to the bus stop, but the bus ride to work takes about 20 minutes. It is a nice scenic trip, with rolling fields, Scottish horses, apple orchards and a few big windmills like the ones back in the States.
The picture below was not taken by me, but by a co-worker. During one of the recent snowstorms, the road to the facility was not cleared well, because of that the bus got stuck.

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